Morningtide Capital Partners (MTCP) helps privately held Small. Medium, and Large Enterprises (SMLEs) from various sectors prepare themselves for growth. MTCP brings expertise in financial competency, capital raising through financial modeling, monitoring, valuation, accounting, and strategic financial advisory to SMLEs so that they can achieve optimal growth.

MTCP works with clients to identify key drivers in their businesses that stabilize cash flows, increase revenue, and profitability. Through supporting these individual SMLEs, we also help to improve the business landscape and the economy as a whole.

MTCP’s clients come from a variety of industries, including Fintech, Finance/Fund Management, Manufacturing, Retail, E-commerce, Pharmaceuticals, Transportation, Energy, Cosmetics, Construction, Microfinance, Food & Beverage, and more. By offering a full suite of services including financial reporting and monitoring, CFO consultancy and advisory, investment analysis and market research, MTCP believes that it can help establish SMLEs be capital ready in order to grow and succeed whatever the industry may be.